The Wild Horses of North Carolina’s Shackleford Banks

A wild mare and stallion look for other members of their herd near sunset at North Carolina's Shackleford Banks. The uninhabited island is offshore from Beaufort.

A wild mare and stallion look for other members of their herd near sunset at North Carolina’s Shackleford Banks. The uninhabited barrier island is offshore from the town of Beaufort; it’s only accessible via watercraft. The herd of Banker horses, which currently has over 100 members, is what draws most tourists to Shackleford Banks. Their origin is a mystery, but some theorize that they swam ashore from a Spanish shipwreck during the colonial era. Click the above image to enlarge, click to view my high-resolution photo gallery, or click to browse my travel guides for the Outer Banks of North Carolina.

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