Blackbeard’s Death at Teach’s Hole (Ocracoke Island, NC)

The Springers Point trail at Ocracoke leads to an overlook of Teach's Hole. The area was the final hideout of Edward Teach, more infamously known as Blackbeard.

The Springers Point trail at Ocracoke Island in the Outer Banks leads to an overlook of Teach’s Hole channel. The area was the final hideout of Edward Teach, more infamously known as Blackbeard. In November 1718, the notorious buccaneer died in a bloody hail of musket fire and sword slashes just off the coast of where I am shown walking. Blackbeard’s head was removed and sailed up the coast to Virginia, where it was placed on a pike at Hampton Roads to dissuade others from taking up piracy. The wreck of his flagship, the Queen Anne’s Revenge, was recently discovered near Ft. Macon State Park and Shackleford Banks. Click the above image to enlarge, click to read my travel guide “Top Things to Do in the Outer Banks,” or click to view my high-resolution photo gallery.

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