Video of Sinagua Ruin in Boynton Canyon (Arizona)

The ruin of an unnamed Sinagua structure faces east on a cliff in Boynton Canyon near Sedona, AZ. The Native American people inhabited central Arizona for several hundred years, arriving sometime during or before the 7th century CE. They constructed cliff dwellings in the same fashion as this building, which I stumbled upon after following a dry creek bank upward from Boynton Canyon Trail.
The Sinagua left the region for unknown reasons around 1450. Modern tribes like the Hopi and Zuni recognize them as their ancestors. If you search off-trail along the cliffs, you should be able to find undisturbed sites in the canyon like the one in my video: I ran across two other ruins while walking further north along the narrow cliff. Click to browse my high-definition video collections, or click to view my high-resolution photo gallery.

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