Choquequirao Trek and Ruins

The Inca ruins of Choquequirao are among Earth’s greatest adventure destinations. These guides show you how I hiked to and toured the mysterious site.

How to Hike to Choquequirao

The trek to Peru’s Choquequirao ruins will push you to the limit. Including videos and a map, this is how I soloed the hike and reached the park entrance.

How to Take a Self-Guided Tour of Choquequirao

Located on a remote mountain in the Peruvian Andes, the Inca ruins of Choquequirao are an adventure destination unlike any other. Including videos, this is how I toured the site by myself.

How to Get to the Choquequirao Trailhead

Reaching the starting point of the Choquequirao trek is a challenge in and of itself. Here are the two ways I made it to the trailhead west of Cusco.

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